How to Hem Pants Without Sewing Machine? 3 Different Ways

Discover the art of perfecting your wardrobe with our guide on How to Hem Pants Without Sewing Machine. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned DIY enthusiast, this method offers a convenient and accessible way to achieve tailored perfection without the need for specialized equipment. Unveil the secrets of hand-hemming techniques, from simple folding methods to using fabric adhesive tape.

This guide empowers you to transform ill-fitting pants into stylish, well-finished garments. Join us on this empowering journey as we show you how to achieve flawless hems, breathe new life into your clothing, and embrace the satisfaction of a job well done.


  • Hand Stitching: Achieve a clean and professional-looking hem by hand-stitching with a needle and thread. This method allows for precision and control, ensuring a secure and durable finish.
  • Fabric Glue: Opt for a quick and easy solution by using fabric glue. Apply it along the hemline for an instant bond, eliminating the need for sewing. This method is ideal for those looking for a no-sew option.
  • Hem Tape: Streamline the hemming process with hem tape. Simply iron the tape in place to secure the hem without stitching. This method provides a fast and efficient alternative for a polished result.

How to Hem Pants With a Sewing Machine?

Hemming pants with a sewing machine is a practical skill that allows you to customize the length of your trousers. Follow these step-by-step instructions to achieve a clean and professional-looking hem.

  1. Measure and Mark:
    • Measure the desired length for your pants and mark it with a fabric pencil or pins.
    • Ensure the marking is consistent on both pant legs for an even hem.
  2. Cut Excess Fabric:
    • Leave an extra inch for folding and cut the excess fabric below the marked line using fabric scissors.
  3. Fold and Pin:
    • Fold the fabric along the marked line, tucking the raw edge inside.
    • Secure the fold with straight pins, ensuring the fabric is smooth and flat.
  4. Adjust Stitch Length:
    • Set your sewing machine to a medium stitch length suitable for the fabric.
    • A longer stitch length is generally better for thicker fabrics, while a shorter length works well for lightweight materials.
  5. Choose Matching Thread:
    • Select a thread color that closely matches the pants to create a seamless finish.
  6. Sew the Hem:
    • Starting at one side seam, sew along the folded edge, removing pins as you go.
    • Use a backstitch at the beginning and end to secure the thread.
  7. Press the Hem:
    • Use an iron on low heat to press the hem, setting the stitches and providing a polished look.
  8. Repeat for the Other Leg:
    • Repeat the process on the other pant leg to ensure both hems are consistent.
Stylish Hemming Hacks | How to Hem Pants Without Sewing Machine

How To Hem Pants Without Sewing Machine?

Hemming pants without a sewing machine can be done easily with the hand-stitching method. We will take you through each step, ensuring you achieve a clean and well-finished result.

Materials Needed

  1. Pants: The pants you want to hem.
  2. Measuring tape: To measure and mark the desired length.
  3. Fabric chalk or pins: To mark the cutting line securely.
  4. Scissors: For cutting the excess fabric.
  5. Needle: A sewing needle for hand-stitching.
  6. Thread: Choose a thread color that matches the fabric.

Step 1: Measure and Mark

Put on the pants and fold the excess fabric to the desired length. Use the measuring tape to ensure that the fold is even on both legs. Secure the fold in place using fabric chalk or pins.

Step 2: Cut Excess Fabric

Take off the pants and lay them flat. Use scissors to cut along the marked line, leaving a small allowance for the hem. This ensures you have enough fabric to create a neat and secure fold.

Step 3: Create a Fold

Fold the raw edge of the fabric inward to create a clean hem. Use the measuring tape again to check if the fold is consistent across the entire pant leg. Adjust as needed for uniformity.

Step 4: Thread the Needle

Thread a needle with a suitable color of thread. It’s a good practice to double the thread for added strength. Tie a knot at the end of the thread to prevent it from pulling through the fabric.

Step 5: Start Stitching

Begin stitching from the inside of the pant leg, hiding the knot within the fold. Use small, even stitches along the fold to secure the hem. Ensure your stitches are tight to prevent any unraveling.

Step 6: Continue Stitching

Continue stitching along the fold until you reach the end of the pant leg. Keep your stitches evenly spaced and secure. This creates a strong and durable hem.

Step 7: Tie Off the Thread

Once you reach the end, tie a knot on the inside of the pant leg to secure the thread. Trim any excess thread with scissors, ensuring a neat finish.

Step 8: Repeat for the Other Leg

Repeat the entire process for the other pant leg to ensure both hems are of equal length. This ensures a balanced and polished look for your pants.

Thus, hemming pants without a sewing machine using the hand-stitching method is a rewarding skill. By following these detailed steps, you can achieve a professional-looking hem that adds a polished finish to your pants.

How to Hem Pants Without Sewing Machine

How to Hem Pants Using Fabric Glue?

Whether you’re in a hurry or simply don’t have access to a sewing machine, the following steps will guide you through the process of achieving a clean and polished hem using basic tools.

  1. Gather Your Supplies:
    • Grab a pair of pants that need hemming.
    • Measuring tape: Measure the desired length for your pants.
    • Fabric chalk or pencil: Mark the hemline accurately.
    • Sharp scissors: Cut the fabric cleanly.
  2. Mark the Hemline:
    • Put on the pants and fold the fabric inside to the desired length.
    • Use the measuring tape and fabric chalk to mark the new hemline evenly around the pants.
  3. Cut the Excess Fabric:
    • Take off the pants and lay them on a flat surface.
    • Cut along the marked line with sharp scissors, ensuring a straight and neat cut.
  4. Fold and Pin the Hem:
    • Fold the raw edge of the fabric inward, creating a clean hem.
    • Secure the folded fabric with straight pins to hold it in place.
  5. Use Fabric Glue:
    • Apply a small amount of fabric glue along the folded edge of the hem.
    • Press the fabric together to allow the glue to adhere and hold the hem in place.
  6. Let it Dry:
    • Leave the pants undisturbed for the recommended drying time on the fabric glue.
    • Ensure the glue is completely dry before wearing or washing the pants.
  7. Test the Hem:
    • Gently tug on the hem to check its durability.
    • Make any necessary adjustments before wearing the pants regularly.

How to Hem Pants Using Hem Tape?

Hemming pants using hem tape is a quick and easy alternative to traditional sewing. It’s a convenient method that allows you to achieve a neat and professional-looking hem without the need for a sewing machine.

  1. Gather Materials:
    • Heat-n-Bond
    • Iron
    • Pants to be hemmed
    • Scissors
    • Measuring tape or ruler
  2. Prep Your Pants:
    • Wash and iron the pants to remove any wrinkles. This ensures accurate measurements and a smooth application of the hem tape.
  3. Measure and Mark:
    • Put on the pants with the shoes you’ll be wearing.
    • Use a measuring tape or ruler to determine the desired length. Mark this length with pins or chalk on the inside of the pants.
  4. Cut Excess Fabric:
    • Take off the pants and lay them flat on a surface.
    • Cut the excess fabric below the marked line. Make sure the cut is straight and even.
  5. Turn Pants Inside Out:
    • Flip the pants inside out to expose the hem area.
  6. Position Hem Tape:
    • Unroll the Heat-n-Bond tape and place it along the edge of the fabric where you cut. Ensure it’s aligned with the edge for a clean finish.
  7. Apply Heat:
    • Set your iron to the appropriate temperature for the fabric.
    • Place a cloth or paper over the hem tape to protect the fabric.
    • Press the iron over the tape, applying heat for the recommended time specified on the Heat-n-Bond instructions.
  8. Let it Cool:
    • Allow the bond to cool and set. This usually takes a few minutes.
  9. Check the Bond:
    • Gently tug on the hem to ensure a secure bond. If needed, reapply heat for additional bonding.
  10. Repeat for Other Leg:
    • Repeat the process on the other leg of the pants.

If interested you can read how to fix a hole in jeans without a patch here. Moreover, you can read how to cut sleeves off a shirt here.

Tips for Hemming Pants Without Sewing Machine

Hemming pants without a sewing machine can be a simple and cost-effective way to achieve a tailored look. Whether you’re in a pinch or don’t own a sewing machine, these tips will help you achieve a clean and professional finish.

  1. Choose the Right Fabric:
    • Some fabrics are more forgiving and easier to work with when hemming without a sewing machine. Lightweight fabrics like cotton and denim are good choices for beginners.
  2. Clip or Pin Before Hemming:
    • To ensure an even hem, use small clips or pins to secure the folded fabric in place before applying any adhesive. This helps maintain consistency along the entire hemline.
  3. Press the Hem with an Iron:
    • After applying adhesive or tape, use a hot iron to press the hem. This not only secures the bond but also gives a crisp finish to the folded edge.
  4. Check for Levelness:
    • Ensure that the hem is level by measuring from the floor to the hem on both legs. This is especially important for pants that will be worn with shoes.
  5. Measure Twice, Cut Once:
    • Accurate measurements are crucial. Use a fabric marker or pins to mark the desired hem length before cutting.
  6. Trim Excess Fabric Carefully:
    • If there’s excess fabric after folding, trim it carefully with sharp scissors. Leave a small allowance to prevent fraying but avoid leaving too much bulk.
  7. Allow Adhesive to Set:
    • Some adhesives require time to set properly. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and allow the adhesive to cure before wearing or washing the pants.
  8. Fray Check or Fabric Glue:
    • Apply fray check or fabric glue along the raw edge to prevent unraveling. This ensures durability and a neat appearance.
  9. Double-Fold for Clean Edges:
    • Fold the fabric once to the inside, creating a clean edge. Then, fold it again to the inside to conceal the raw edge completely.
  10. Hand Stitch with a Needle and Thread:
    • If you’re comfortable with basic hand sewing, use a needle and thread to create small, discreet stitches along the folded hem for added reinforcement.
  11. Experiment with Hemming Tapes:
    • Hemming tapes are easy to use and come in various types. Some are adhesive, while others require heat. Choose the one that suits your fabric type and preferences.
  12. Practice on Scrap Fabric:
    • Before hemming your pants, practice on scrap fabric to get a feel for the technique and ensure you’re comfortable with the chosen method.
  13. Consider Decorative Elements:
    • If you want to add a decorative touch to your hem, explore options like lace or fabric trims. Adhere them using fabric glue or tape for a personalized and stylish finish.
  14. Regularly Check for Wear and Tear:
    • Keep an eye on the hem for any signs of wear and tear. If needed, touch up the adhesive or make small hand-sewn repairs to maintain the integrity of the hem.

Remember, patience and attention to detail are key when hemming without a sewing machine. With these tips, you can achieve a polished look without the need for complex stitching.


In conclusion, How to Hem Pants Without Sewing Machine is your passport to crafting impeccable pants with minimal resources. Hand-hemming opens the door to personalized tailoring and extends the lifespan of your favorite garments. Whether you’re in a pinch or simply seeking a creative way to enhance your wardrobe, this method proves that sewing machines are not a prerequisite for stylish results.

Let this guide be your go-to resource for achieving polished hems, and revel in the joy of revitalizing your clothing collection while honing your DIY skills. With determination and the right techniques, you can confidently master the art of hand-hemming and elevate your fashion game.


  1. Sewing machine operation: workstation adjustment, working posture, and workers’ perceptions
  2. Developments in automatic control of sewing parameters
  3. Sound quality analysis of sewing machines
  4. Analysis Of Vibration Effects On Sewing Machines

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use a regular glue instead of fabric glue for hemming pants without a sewing machine?

Using regular glue for hemming pants is not recommended. Fabric glue is specifically designed for bonding fabric, providing a stronger and more durable hold. Regular glue may not adhere well to fabric and could result in the hem coming undone.

Is it necessary to prewash the pants before hemming them?

Prewashing pants before hemming offers several benefits. It removes any dirt or stains, ensures the fabric won’t shrink after hemming, and allows for accurate measurements. Alternative hemming techniques include using fabric glue or iron-on adhesive strips.

Can I use a no-sew hemming tape on delicate fabrics like silk or chiffon?

Hemming tape can be used on delicate fabrics like silk or chiffon as an alternative to fabric glue. It provides a secure bond without the need for sewing, making it a convenient option for hemming pants without a sewing machine.

How long does the fabric glue take to dry completely?

The drying time of fabric glue varies depending on the specific product, but it typically ranges from a few minutes to several hours. If you’re looking for alternatives to fabric glue, options include hemming tape, fusible webbing, or fabric adhesive spray.

Can I use a hairdryer to speed up the drying process of fabric glue?

Using a hairdryer to speed up the drying process of fabric glue is not recommended. Instead, consider using alternative methods for hemming pants by hand without a sewing machine, such as using iron-on hem tape or hand stitching.

Is there a way to hem pants without sewing?

While a sewn hem is considered optimal, alternative methods exist. To achieve a permanent hem without sewing, individuals can utilize products like “Stitch-Witchery™.” These fusible bonding webs form lasting fabric bonds when inserted between two fabric pieces and heated with a household iron.

Does hemming tape work?

Fusible hem tape serves as a swift substitute for sewing, providing a quick hemming solution. However, it’s important to note that this method is permanent and irreversible. If there’s a possibility of future adjustments, especially for items like hemming pants, it may not be the most suitable choice, as the adhesive cannot be removed once fused.

What is an alternative to hemming pants?

For those without access to a sewing machine or needle and thread, hemming pants can be accomplished using readily available hem tape from most drugstores. The process involves turning the pants inside out, folding them to the desired length, pinning and ironing the crease, and then applying the hem tape to the fold. Finally, iron over the folded edge for a secure finish.

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