How to Keep Sewing Scissors from Rusting? 5 Fixes for Rusty Scissors

Preserving the longevity of your sewing scissors is paramount to ensuring precise and effortless cuts in your crafting endeavors. How to Keep Sewing Scissors from Rusting unveils the secrets to maintaining these invaluable tools in pristine condition. Rust can quickly dull the blades and hinder their effectiveness, but with the right techniques and a touch of care, you can prevent this common issue.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through practical steps and expert tips to safeguard your scissors. Elevate your crafting experience by safeguarding this essential tool – a small effort that yields significant results.

Crucial Findings

  • Dry sewing scissors thoroughly after each use to prevent moisture buildup on the blades.
  • Keep scissors in a dry place, away from high humidity, and consider using a scissor holder or container.
  • Regularly apply sewing machine oil or mineral oil to create a protective barrier against rust.
  • Wipe blades before storage, avoid excessive moisture, use silica gel packs, and schedule regular maintenance checks.

How to Keep Sewing Scissors from Rusting?

Sewing scissors are essential tools for any sewing enthusiast, but they can be prone to rust if not properly cared for. Here are some practical tips to keep your sewing scissors rust-free and in optimal condition:

  • Dry Them Immediately:
    • After each use, make sure to thoroughly dry your sewing scissors with a clean, dry cloth.
    • Moisture is a primary factor contributing to rust, so this simple step helps prevent water from lingering on the blades.
  • Store Properly:
    • Store your scissors in a dry place, away from areas with high humidity.
    • Consider using a scissor holder or a dedicated container to provide an extra layer of protection.
  • Apply Oil:
    • Regularly apply a thin coat of sewing machine oil or mineral oil to the scissor blades.
    • This helps create a protective barrier, preventing moisture from reaching the metal surface.
  • Avoid Excessive Moisture:
    • When not in use, keep your scissors away from damp fabrics or surfaces.
    • Moisture can transfer from fabrics to the scissors, accelerating the rusting process.
  • Clean Before Storage:
    • Wipe the blades clean before storing your scissors.
    • This removes any residual moisture or fabric particles that might contribute to rust over time.
  • Use Silica Gel Packs:
    • Place silica gel packs in the storage container with your scissors.
    • Silica gel helps absorb excess moisture, creating a drier environment for your scissors.
  • Regular Maintenance:
    • Schedule regular maintenance checks to ensure there is no visible rust forming.
    • If rust is detected, promptly clean and treat the affected areas with a rust-removing solution.
How to Keep Sewing Scissors from Rusting

How to Fix Rusty Scissors?

Rusty scissors can be a common household woe, but fear not! There are several simple and effective ways to bring those trusty cutting tools back to life. Follow these steps to fix rusty scissors and ensure they stay sharp and functional.

1. Vinegar Soak:

Start by filling a bowl with white vinegar. Submerge the rusty blades of the scissors in the vinegar and let them soak for about 20-30 minutes. The acidity of the vinegar helps break down the rust. After soaking, wipe the blades with a clean cloth and dry thoroughly.

2. Baking Soda Paste:

Create a paste by mixing baking soda with water until it forms a thick consistency. Apply the paste to the rusty areas of the scissors and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Use a toothbrush or an old toothpick to scrub the rust away. Rinse the scissors and dry them completely.

3. Sandpaper Method:

If the rust is stubborn, gently rub the affected areas with fine-grit sandpaper. This helps remove the rust layer without damaging the blades. Make sure to wipe away any debris and rust particles and finish by oiling the blades with a few drops of mineral oil.

4. Lemon Juice Treatment:

Lemon juice’s citric acid can also be effective against rust. Squeeze fresh lemon juice onto the rusty parts of the scissors and let it sit for about 15-20 minutes. Scrub with a toothbrush, rinse, and dry thoroughly.

5. Oil and Storage:

After removing the rust, prevent future corrosion by applying a thin layer of machine oil or mineral oil to the blades. Store the scissors in a dry place to minimize exposure to moisture.

Remember, regular maintenance is key to keeping your scissors in top-notch condition. Choose the method that works best for you, and you’ll have those scissors cutting smoothly in no time!

Preserving Sewing Tools | How to Keep Sewing Scissors from Rusting

How to Clean Sewing Scissors?

Keeping your sewing scissors clean is crucial for maintaining their sharpness and performance. Here’s how to clean sewing scissors effectively.

  1. Gather Your Materials:
    • Lint-free cloth or microfiber towel
    • Rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol
    • Cotton swabs
    • Warm, soapy water
  2. Remove Residue with a Dry Cloth:
    • Wipe off any visible debris or residue from the scissor blades using a dry lint-free cloth.
    • This step helps to eliminate loose particles before proceeding to a deeper cleaning.
  3. Soak Cotton Swabs in Rubbing Alcohol:
    • Dip cotton swabs in rubbing alcohol, ensuring they are saturated but not dripping.
    • Rubbing alcohol is effective in breaking down adhesive residues without causing damage to the scissor blades.
  4. Clean Between the Blades:
    • Carefully insert the soaked cotton swab between the scissor blades, moving it back and forth.
    • This helps to remove any stubborn residue or gunk that may be lodged between the blades.
  5. Wipe Blades with Alcohol-Soaked Cloth:
    • Dampen a lint-free cloth with rubbing alcohol.
    • Wipe the entire length of the scissor blades with the alcohol-soaked cloth to ensure thorough cleaning.
  6. Inspect and Repeat as Needed:
    • Examine the blades for any remaining residue or debris.
    • If necessary, repeat the process until the scissors are completely clean.
  7. Rinse with Warm, Soapy Water:
    • In a basin, mix warm water with a small amount of mild dish soap.
    • Dip the scissor blades into the soapy water and swish them around to remove any remaining alcohol residue.
  8. Dry Thoroughly:
    • Pat the scissors dry with a clean, dry cloth.
    • Ensure there is no moisture left on the blades to prevent rusting.
  9. Apply a Light Coating of Oil:
    • To prevent rust and maintain smooth operation, apply a thin layer of sewing machine oil or mineral oil to the scissor blades.
    • Wipe off any excess oil with a dry cloth.

How to Sharpen Sewing Scissors?

Here’s how to sharpen sewing scissors:

  1. Gather Materials:
    • Obtain a sharpening stone or a specialized scissor sharpener.
    • Get a soft cloth for cleaning.
  2. Inspect the Scissors:
    • Examine the blades for any nicks or irregularities.
    • If there are significant damages, consider professional sharpening.
  3. Clean the Scissors:
    • Wipe the blades with a clean, damp cloth to remove any dirt or debris.
    • Dry them thoroughly to prevent rusting.
  4. Disassemble if Possible:
    • If your scissors can be disassembled, carefully separate the blades for easier sharpening.
  5. Sharpening Process:
    • Place the scissors on the sharpening stone at a 20-degree angle.
    • Run each blade along the stone, maintaining a consistent angle and applying light pressure.
    • Repeat the process until the blades are sharp.
  6. Honing the Blades:
    • For an extra level of sharpness, use a leather strop or honing rod.
    • Run the blades along the strop to polish and refine the edges.
  7. Test the Sharpness:
    • Cut a piece of scrap fabric to ensure the scissors are sharp.
    • If needed, repeat the sharpening process until satisfactory results are achieved.
  8. Clean and Lubricate:
    • Wipe off any metal particles left on the blades after sharpening.
    • Apply a small amount of sewing machine oil to the pivot point for smooth movement.

How to Use Sewing Scissors Safely?

Sewing scissors are essential tools for any sewing project, but using them safely is crucial to avoid accidents and damage to your materials. Here’s how to use sewing scissors safely:

  • Choose the Right Scissors:
    • Select sharp and pointed sewing scissors suitable for the type of fabric you’re cutting.
    • Ensure they have comfortable handles to prevent hand fatigue during use.
  • Inspect the Scissors:
    • Before using, check for any nicks or damage on the blades that might snag the fabric.
    • Make sure the screws are tight to maintain proper blade alignment.
  • Positioning:
    • Always cut on a flat and stable surface to prevent slips and accidents.
    • Keep your non-cutting hand away from the path of the blades.
  • Proper Grip:
    • Hold the scissors with a firm but not tight grip to maintain control.
    • Use your thumb and middle or index finger for precision.
  • Smooth Cutting Motion:
    • Employ a smooth and controlled cutting motion rather than forcing the scissors through the fabric.
    • Avoid quick, jerky movements to maintain accuracy.
  • Respect the Scissors’ Purpose:
    • Use sewing scissors for fabric cutting only to maintain their sharpness.
    • Avoid cutting paper, cardboard, or other materials that can dull the blades.
  • Storage:
    • Store your sewing scissors in a protective sheath or case to prevent damage.
    • Keep them in a designated place to avoid accidental drops or mishandling.
  • Regular Maintenance:
    • Periodically sharpen the blades or have them professionally sharpened.
    • Lubricate the pivot area with a drop of sewing machine oil to ensure smooth movement.

By following these guidelines, you’ll not only keep yourself safe but also extend the lifespan of your sewing scissors, making them a reliable tool for all your future projects.

How to Store Sewing Scissors?

Storing sewing scissors properly is crucial for maintaining their sharpness and ensuring they last longer. Here are some practical tips on how to store them effectively:

  1. Clean Before Storing:
    • Wipe the blades of the scissors with a clean, dry cloth to remove any fabric residue or lint.
    • This prevents the accumulation of debris that could affect the cutting performance.
  2. Avoid Moisture:
    • Store the scissors in a dry place to prevent rusting.
    • Moisture can lead to corrosion, reducing the lifespan of the scissors.
  3. Use Blade Covers:
    • Invest in blade covers or sheaths to protect the sharp edges.
    • This prevents accidental cuts and keeps the blades safe during storage.
  4. Hang Them:
    • Consider hanging the scissors by their handles using a peg or a magnetic strip.
    • Hanging keeps them accessible and reduces the chances of damage.
  5. Separate from Other Tools:
    • Store sewing scissors separately from other tools to avoid any potential damage.
    • Mixing them with other items can lead to nicks or dulling of the blades.
  6. Regularly Sharpen:
    • Keep the scissors sharp by sharpening them regularly with a dedicated tool.
    • A well-maintained edge ensures precise cutting and reduces the effort required.
  7. Store in a Container:
    • If hanging is not feasible, store the scissors in a dedicated container.
    • Make sure the container is clean and provides enough space to avoid blade damage.

Sewing Scissors Maintenance Tips

Proper maintenance of sewing scissors is crucial to ensure their longevity and optimal performance. Here are some practical tips to keep your scissors in top-notch condition.

  1. Keep Them Clean:
    • After each use, wipe the blades with a clean, dry cloth to remove any fabric residue or lint.
    • For sticky substances like adhesive residue, use a damp cloth with a small amount of mild soap.
  2. Avoid Cutting Hard Materials:
    • Sewing scissors are designed for cutting fabric and thread. Avoid using them on paper, cardboard, or other hard materials, as it can damage the blades and affect their sharpness.
  3. Store Properly:
    • When not in use, store your scissors in a dedicated scissor holder or a protective case.
    • Avoid tossing them into a sewing basket with other tools to prevent blades from nicking or chipping.
  4. Regular Sharpening:
    • Keep your scissors sharp by regularly sharpening them using a scissor sharpener or a professional service.
    • Dull blades can lead to frayed edges and make cutting more difficult.
  5. Oil the Hinges:
    • Apply a small amount of sewing machine oil or mineral oil to the scissor hinges.
    • This prevents rusting and ensures smooth opening and closing movements.
  6. Use for Intended Purpose:
    • Avoid using your sewing scissors for tasks beyond their intended purpose.
    • Using them on materials like wire or plastic can lead to damage and compromise their effectiveness.

Remember, proper maintenance not only extends the life of your sewing scissors but also ensures accurate and clean cuts for your sewing projects.


In conclusion, How To Keep Sewing Scissors From Rusting equips you with invaluable knowledge to preserve your essential sewing tools. By implementing these simple yet effective tips, you can ensure that your scissors remain rust-free and ready to effortlessly cut through fabrics for years to come.

Don’t let rust hinder your sewing passion; instead, let it shine through your meticulously maintained scissors. Embrace these practices and experience the joy of seamless and rust-free sewing adventures, creating beautiful pieces without the worry of dull, corroded scissors.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What Type of Scissors Should I Use for Sewing?

When selecting scissors for sewing, consider the types of fabric and threading techniques used. For best results, opt for a sharp-pointed pair made from stainless steel or other rust-resistant materials. Experienced sewers may prefer tailor’s shears to ensure precise cuts, while beginners should look for lightweight scissors with comfortable handles. With proper care and maintenance, these tools can provide years of enjoyable sewing.

How Often Should I Clean My Scissors?

Coincidentally, proper storage and regular maintenance of scissors is essential for ensuring their longevity. It is advisable to clean them after every use, using a damp cloth. Regularly oiling the blades will also help preserve them and prevent rusting. With this knowledge, anyone can ensure their scissors will last for many years with proper care.

How Can I Tell if My Scissors Are Rusting?

Observing the scissors for signs of corrosion, such as discoloration or rust spots, can indicate if rusting has occurred. Taking preventative measures to store and clean the scissors regularly can help avoid this issue. Utilizing storage solutions that maintain a dry environment is key in preventing corrosion.

What Is the Best Way to Sharpen My Scissors?

A sharp blade is essential for successful sewing projects; metaphorically like a knight’s sword, honing scissors to perfection requires skill and practice. Sharpening techniques vary depending on the type of blade, but proper selection is key. Carefully inspect blades to ensure they are suitable for sharpening and use specialized tools for best results. Guided by an experienced hand, these steps can help you achieve a precision cut every time.

Are There Any Special Coatings or Treatments I Can Use to Protect My Scissors?

Regular maintenance and proper storage are key to protecting scissors from rusting. Cleaning and oiling blades regularly as well as avoiding excessive moisture can help extend the life of scissors, ensuring the user is able to maintain a successful sewing experience.

How do you keep scissors from rusting?

To prevent scissors from rusting, it’s advised to clean them thoroughly after each use. Ensure all moisture and debris, such as hair, are wiped off the blades, and then make sure they are completely dry. Regularly applying a small amount of oil to the blades can also help ward off rust. Storing scissors in a dry environment further reduces the risk of rust formation.

Should you oil fabric scissors?

Fabric scissors, often overlooked for maintenance, benefit from regular care just like sewing machines. A key practice to keep fabric scissors in optimal condition is cleaning and occasional oiling. This maintenance routine helps ensure the longevity and efficiency of the scissors when used for cutting fabric.

Should I oil my scissors?

Developing the habit of cleaning the blades after each use, especially during extensive projects, is crucial. For those with scissors in frequent use, a monthly oiling routine may suffice. However, for individuals engaging in heavy scissor use, such as avid makers, a more frequent oiling schedule—weekly or even daily—might be necessary to preserve the scissors’ performance and durability.

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