Do You Need to Oil Janome Sewing Machines – Here’s How to Do So

Embarking on a creative journey with your Janome sewing machine brings the joy of crafting to life, stitch by stitch. As you delve into the world of fabric and thread, a crucial question surfaces: Do You Need to Oil Janome Sewing Machines?

Imagine the smooth hum of your machine, effortlessly weaving your visions into reality. In this engaging exploration, we unravel the secrets to preserving the heartbeat of your craft. Discover the subtle care that nurtures your Janome companion, ensuring it dances through fabrics with timeless grace. Join us on a narrative where maintenance becomes a celebration, and your sewing machine, a cherished partner in every stitch.

Salient Points

  • For optimal performance, it’s essential to oil your Janome sewing machine.
  • The recommended oil for Janome sewing machines is the MO-70 oil.
  • Oiling helps minimize friction between moving parts, preventing wear and tear and ensuring smoother operation.
  • Failure to oil may lead to problems like thread breakage and uneven stitching, affecting the overall performance of the machine.

What Is a Sewing Machine and How Does It Work?

A sewing machine is a versatile tool designed to stitch fabric together with precision and efficiency. It revolutionized the art of stitching, making it more accessible and time-saving compared to hand sewing. The fundamental components of a sewing machine include a needle, thread, and a bobbin.

The needle is a crucial element that penetrates the fabric, creating stitches in a specific pattern. The bobbin, a small spool of thread, works in conjunction with the needle to lock the stitches in place. The thread tension, which can be adjusted, ensures that the stitches are neither too loose nor too tight.

How a sewing machine works involves a series of coordinated movements. As the operator presses the foot pedal or activates the electric motor, the machine engages the needle. The needle moves up and down, creating a stitch as it passes through the fabric.

Simultaneously, the bobbin releases thread to form the underside of the stitch, securing the fabric layers together. Feed dogs, small metal teeth beneath the needle, advance the fabric at a consistent pace, allowing for even stitching. The combination of these components and movements results in a fast and efficient sewing process.

To illustrate, consider the example of creating a straight stitch. As the operator guides the fabric through the machine, the needle punctures the material, and the feed dogs move it forward. The bobbin releases thread, intertwining with the needle thread to form a neat and uniform straight stitch. This process can be adapted for various stitching patterns, providing versatility for different sewing projects. Understanding the mechanics of a sewing machine enables users to harness its capabilities for a wide range of creative and practical applications.

Sewing Machine Care: Do You Need to Oil Janome Sewing Machines - Essential Tips

Do You Need to Oil Janome Sewing Machines?

The answer is yes, oil plays a vital role in the proper functioning of Janome sewing machines. Regular oiling helps reduce friction between moving parts, preventing wear and tear and ensuring smoother operation. It is recommended to oil your Janome sewing machine after every 8 to 10 hours of use.

Failure to do so may result in increased friction, leading to issues such as thread breakage, uneven stitching, or even damage to the machine. Proper oiling also contributes to the reduction of noise generated during sewing.

To oil a Janome sewing machine, consult the machine’s manual for specific instructions and use only the recommended oil. Always remember that a well-maintained machine will not only last longer but will also consistently deliver high-quality stitches.

Do You Need to Oil Janome Sewing Machines

How Do You Know if Your Janome Sewing Machine Needs Oil?

Here are signs indicating that your machine might be in need of oil:

1. Unusual SoundsIf you notice unusual squeaking or grinding noises during operation, it may indicate friction caused by insufficient lubrication.
2. Stiff Movement of PartsWhen moving parts such as the needle bar or presser foot feel stiff or resistant, it suggests a lack of proper lubrication.
3. Stitches Skipping or Uneven StitchesInadequate lubrication can lead to stitching issues, resulting in skipped stitches or uneven stitching patterns. This affects the overall quality of your sewing.
4. Visible Rust or CorrosionRust or corrosion on metal parts, such as the needle, bobbin case, or shuttle hook, is a clear indicator that the machine needs oiling.
5. Reduced PerformanceA decline in overall sewing performance, like slower stitching or the machine getting stuck, may be attributed to insufficient lubrication.

Where Should You Oil Your Sewing Machine?

Following are the key areas where you should apply oil to keep your machine running efficiently:

  • Bobbin Area:
    • Apply a drop of sewing machine oil to the bobbin area where the bobbin case is located.
    • This ensures smooth rotation and prevents friction between moving parts.
  • Needle Bar:
    • Add a drop of oil on the needle bar, especially where it meets the housing.
    • This reduces wear and tear, allowing the needle to move freely.
  • Presser Foot Lever:
    • Apply a small amount of oil to the presser foot lever hinge points.
    • This prevents stiffness and ensures the presser foot moves up and down smoothly.
  • Feed Dogs:
    • Place a drop of oil on the feed dog mechanism beneath the needle plate.
    • This facilitates the smooth movement of fabric while sewing.
  • Slider Mechanism:
    • If your sewing machine has a slider for stitch selection, oil the slider and its surrounding joints.
    • This prevents sticking and ensures easy selection of stitches.
  • Linkage and Joints:
    • Check for any visible joints, linkages, or moving parts.
    • Apply oil to these points to prevent rusting and maintain flexibility.
  • Balance Wheel:
    • Apply oil to the center spindle of the balance wheel.
    • This ensures smooth rotation and overall machine balance.

How to Oil Your Janome Sewing Machine?

Properly oiling your Janome sewing machine will keep it running efficiently and help prevent unnecessary wear and tear. Here we’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to oil your Janome sewing machine.

Step 1: Gather Supplies

Before you begin, make sure you have the necessary supplies:

  • Sewing machine oil
  • Lint-free cloth
  • Screwdriver

Step 2: Power Off and Unplug

Ensure your Janome sewing machine is powered off and unplugged from the electrical outlet. This step is crucial for your safety during the oiling process.

Step 3: Remove the Needle and Presser Foot

Remove the needle and presser foot to access the machine’s interior more easily. This step allows for better visibility and maneuverability when applying oil.

Step 4: Locate Oil Points

Refer to your Janome sewing machine manual to identify the specific oil points. Common areas include the shuttle race, the bobbin case, and any other moving parts mentioned in the manual.

Step 5: Apply Sewing Machine Oil

Dip a small amount of sewing machine oil onto the lint-free cloth. Gently apply oil to the designated oil points. Avoid over-oiling, as excess oil can attract dust and lint.

Step 6: Manually Rotate the Handwheel

After applying oil, manually rotate the handwheel to help distribute the oil evenly across the internal components. This ensures proper lubrication.

Step 7: Wipe Excess Oil

Using the lint-free cloth, wipe away any excess oil from the machine’s surface. This step helps prevent oil stains on your fabric during sewing.

Step 8: Reassemble

Reinstall the needle and presser foot once you’ve finished oiling the machine. Make sure they are securely in place.

Step 9: Test Run

Turn on your Janome sewing machine and run a few test stitches on scrap fabric. This allows the oil to distribute further and ensures that the machine is functioning smoothly.

Step 10: Regular Maintenance

Repeat this oiling process as recommended in your Janome sewing machine manual. Regular maintenance will keep your machine in optimal condition and extend its lifespan.

By following these straightforward steps, you can easily oil your Janome sewing machine, promoting smooth operation and preserving its longevity.

Now, let’s move on to the benefits of oiling a Janome sewing machine.

What are the Benefits of Oiling a Janome Sewing Machine?

Maintaining proper lubrication in a sewing machine can lead to smoother operation, improved stitch quality, and reduced chances of thread breakage or jamming. Properly oiling a Janome sewing machine is crucial for ensuring its optimal performance and longevity. Regular oiling helps to prevent friction damage between the moving parts of the machine, reducing wear and tear over time. By lubricating the various components, such as the needle bar, hook race, and bobbin case, you can extend the lifespan of your Janome sewing machine.

In addition to extending the machine’s lifespan, regular oiling also improves its overall performance. The lubricant reduces friction and allows the parts to move more smoothly, resulting in quieter operation and better stitch quality. It ensures that all components work together seamlessly without any unnecessary resistance or tension.

Furthermore, maintaining smooth and quiet operation is essential for creating an enjoyable sewing experience. A well-lubricated Janome sewing machine not only makes it easier to sew but also enhances user satisfaction by providing a sense of precision and control.

What Type of Oil Should You Use for a Janome Sewing Machine?

When it comes to maintaining the smooth operation of your Janome sewing machine, choosing the right oil is crucial. The recommended oil for Janome sewing machines is the MO-70 oil. This specific type of oil is designed to provide optimal lubrication for the various components of your sewing machine, ensuring its longevity and efficient performance.

MO-70 oil is a high-quality sewing machine oil that is specifically formulated for use in Janome machines. It is a clear and lightweight oil that helps to reduce friction between moving parts, preventing wear and tear. The viscosity of the MO-70 oil is well-suited for sewing machines, allowing it to flow smoothly through the machine’s mechanisms.

One key reason to use the recommended MO-70 oil is that it is compatible with the materials used in Janome sewing machines. Certain oils may contain additives or properties that can be harmful to the machine’s plastic, rubber, or metal components. Using the wrong type of oil may result in damage over time, affecting the overall performance and lifespan of your sewing machine.

It’s important to note that using alternatives or generic oils may not provide the same level of protection and compatibility as the recommended MO-70 oil. While it might be tempting to use oils that are more readily available, the risk of potential damage to your sewing machine may outweigh any short-term convenience. Stick to the manufacturer’s recommendations for optimal results and to ensure the longevity of your Janome sewing machine.

If interested you can read about the power consumption of the sewing machines here. Moreover, you can read about the downsides of sewing machine here.

How to Clean Your Janome Sewing Machine?

Maintaining a clean sewing machine is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. Regular cleaning ensures smooth stitching and prevents issues. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to clean your Janome sewing machine:

  1. Gather Your Supplies:
    • Soft lint brush or small vacuum attachment
    • Tweezers
    • Lint-free cloth
    • Small screwdriver
    • Sewing machine oil
    • Sewing machine manual
  2. Power Off and Unplug:
    • Ensure the sewing machine is turned off.
    • Unplug the machine from the electrical outlet to avoid any accidents.
  3. Remove Needle and Bobbin:
    • Carefully remove the needle and bobbin from the machine.
    • Refer to your manual for guidance on these procedures.
  4. Clean the Bobbin Area:
    • Use a lint brush or vacuum attachment to remove dust and lint from the bobbin area.
    • Gently use tweezers to extract any stubborn debris.
  5. Clean the Feed Dogs:
    • Lower the feed dogs (teeth-like mechanisms).
    • Brush away accumulated lint and dust to maintain smooth fabric feeding.
  6. Clean the Needle Plate:
    • Remove the needle plate using a small screwdriver.
    • Wipe away any lint or thread remnants.
  7. Oil the Machine:
    • Refer to your manual for the recommended oiling points.
    • Apply a small amount of sewing machine oil to these areas to keep the machine well-lubricated.
  8. Wipe Down the Exterior:
    • Use a lint-free cloth to wipe down the exterior of the machine.
    • Pay attention to knobs, buttons, and the foot pedal.
  9. Check and Adjust Tension:
    • Inspect the thread tension settings.
    • Adjust as needed to ensure even stitching.
  10. Test the Machine:
    • After cleaning, reassemble all parts.
    • Run a few test stitches to ensure the machine is working smoothly.

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your Janome sewing machine not only enhance its performance but also extend its lifespan. Following these steps ensures a hassle-free and enjoyable sewing experience.


In conclusion, the question Do You Need to Oil Janome Sewing Machines is met with a resounding yes. Regular maintenance, including proper oiling, is the secret to preserving the longevity and functionality of your sewing machine. The well-oiled components work harmoniously to deliver precise stitches and flawless creations. As you embark on your sewing projects, let this guide serve as a reminder of the crucial role that oiling plays in maintaining your Janome sewing machine’s performance.

With a little care and attention, you can ensure that your sewing machine remains a reliable partner in your creative journey, allowing you to craft with confidence and precision.


  1. Mechanisms of sewing machines
  2. Association of individual and work-related risk factors with musculoskeletal symptoms among Iranian sewing machine operators
  3. Reduction of work-related musculoskeletal risk factors following ergonomics education of sewing machine operators
  4. A randomized controlled trial evaluating the effects of new task chairs on shoulder and neck pain among sewing machine operators: the Los Angeles garment study

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I properly clean and maintain my Janome sewing machine?

Proper cleaning techniques for a Janome sewing machine involve removing lint and dust, lubricating moving parts, and using a soft cloth to wipe the exterior. Regular maintenance is important to prevent issues and extend the lifespan of the machine. Troubleshooting common problems can be done by referring to the user manual or seeking professional help. Genuine Janome sewing machine oil should be used for maintenance as it provides several benefits such as reducing friction, preventing rust, and ensuring smooth operation.

Can I use any type of oil on my Janome sewing machine?

Proper lubrication is crucial for maintaining the longevity of your Janome sewing machine. It is important to use the right type of sewing machine oil, and to oil your machine regularly following a step-by-step guide. Regular oiling ensures smooth operation and prevents damage.

What are the common problems that can occur if I don’t oil my Janome sewing machine regularly?

Common problems can arise if a Janome sewing machine is not regularly oiled. These include decreased performance, increased friction and wear on specific parts, thread breakage, and even potential damage to the machine itself. Regular oiling, along with proper cleaning and maintenance tips, are essential for optimal functioning.

Are there any specific parts of a Janome sewing machine that should be oiled more frequently?

Proper oiling techniques for Janome sewing machines are essential for regular maintenance. Signs indicating the need for oiling include unusual noises and a decrease in performance. Different types of oils suitable for Janome machines can be used to prevent common sewing machine problems.

Can I use a sewing machine lubricant spray instead of oil on my Janome sewing machine?

When considering the use of sewing machine lubricant spray on a Janome sewing machine, it is important to weigh the benefits such as ease of application and reduced mess. However, one must still choose the right oil for optimal performance and adhere to regular maintenance and proper lubrication techniques to avoid common mistakes.

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